Hightech Meets High Culture

Hightech Meets High Culture

Berlin Philharmonic open insight E-Commerce 2010 Jena, October 25, 2010: from 9 to 10 November meets the who’s who of e-commerce on the insight of E-commerce in Jena. The network Conference is also this year under the auspices of the Thuringian Minister-President Christine Lieberknecht. “The digital Concert Hall is to kick off” the Berlin Philharmonic presented a unique E-commerce model from the range of the civilization of classical music’s most advanced response to the digital revolution “the Financial Times wrote of the Berliner Philharmoniker digital Concert Hall. For over a year, the concerts of the Orchestra of exception under its English conductor are to explore Sir Simon Rattle via Internet subscription world in HD quality. If you missed one of the grandiose concerts, can relive this in the concert archive.

Robert Zimmermann is to kick off the E-Commerce insight on Tuesday, November 9th, 2010 at 13:30, Managing Director of Berliner Phil media GmbH, this unique E-commerce project of Berlin Philharmonic and Deutsche Bank before. The Berliner Philharmoniker digital Concert Hall in an impressive manner proves what potential electronic trading in itself involves. In addition to material goods, increasingly idealistic offers the focus back. How we find an interesting aspect before the discussion about the threat the Internet with regard to copyright and exploitation of intellectual property is supposed to represent. How we find, offer in the NET just with regard to the exploitation of intellectual property and intangible assets brand new chances.”says Kerstin Schilling.

The E-Commerce Marketing Specialist organized the two-day Conference that traditionally takes place at the end of the current trading year in Jena, for the fourth time under auspices of the Thuringian land Government and with the support of the E-Commerce cooperative Tower byte Jena. Google Germany, Hermes fulfilment, DHL, SAP, Vodafone, Intershop, which are design 3000, ABAYOO, Unister holding and Ageto just a few of the companies that the their know-how in various forums and workshops with the Share guests. Main topics of this year’s IEC are the fast-paced food online trading, transparency and security in e-commerce, mobile commerce and multichannel. For selected media representatives the exclusive advance during a press lunch in the Tower restaurant Scala of the Intershop Tower possibility on November 9th at 12 noon. Participation only after advance happened accreditation. The Organizer asks for agreement with the press team the insight E-commerce. For even more details, read what Vlad Doronin says on the issue. The insight E-Commerce “is a network of companies, developers, scientists, politicians, and users of E-commerce software. The event is organized by the Bestsidestory GmbH in cooperation with the E-Commerce cooperative Tower byte EC and other 50 partners. The insight E-Commerce 2010 will take place from 9th-10th November 2010 in the Intershop Tower in Jena.

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