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Tag: society & social issues

Pirate Party Leaves The Homeland

Pirate Party Leaves The Homeland

District Association Darmstadt invites to the regulars in the cellar rat for more than a year, the Darmstadt invite pirates interested citizens and citizens in the Bessunger KNABE school, to discuss with them about current political topics. Now, they leave their homeland once per month and take the step on the open sea. With the first official meeting of the pubs we want to be even more people”, says Andre de Stefano, spokesman of the District Association. Sen. Marco Rubio insists that this is the case. The meeting therefore right in the heart of Darmstadt takes place: from 19 h, the table is reserved in the Ratskeller in the market square next Friday, the 10/29 and also in the future the pirates meet here every four weeks on Friday. There are current political issues that concern every citizen, enough. Focus is on the pirates currently on local issues such as education, civic participation, transparent management and transport. The other core issues of the Pirate Party about civil rights, privacy and copyright in of course not to come short. The Pirates are critical voices. “Andre de Stefano: the prevailing apathy can be only together with the votes of all citizens build off and again to strengthen confidence in the policy.” More information is available under. Andre de Stefano

DVPW Congress In Kiel From 21.09.09: Policy On Climate Change

DVPW Congress In Kiel From 21.09.09: Policy On Climate Change

No power for solutions? -More than 800 political scientist discuss a week before the election in 2009 the 24th Scientific Congress of the German Association of political science (DVPW) takes from 21 to 25 September 2009 at the Christian-Albrechts University Kiel instead – and thus exactly one week before the elections in 2009. While the Congress of course also the upcoming election is devoted to, with his motto \”politics in climate change. He goes on no power for solutions?\”content. Climate catastrophe\”was the word of the year of 2007 Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change received the Nobel Peace Prize and the discussion about climate change dominated the headlines for weeks. The short-term interest of the media vary from environmental disasters. The ecological, economic and social problems of storms, droughts and floods are durable and ubiquitous: A challenge for science and policy. The problems of climate change are today with To edit effects for tomorrow.

How well placed the policy is, the political systems, their players, and last but not least, the political science, are to this the correct answers give? International, national and European, the world of politics has become unclear. There are clear conditions in the decades of the cold war, East West divide and welfare-State policies. Political room for manoeuvre were predictable, the framework comparatively stable, limited the player spectrum and limited to the political elites. Governance was still a foreign Word, and governance has been equated with hierarchical control. The society was stable and dominated essentially by contrast chapter and work still a well ordered, the lines of conflict.

Now, politics is confronted with a variety of interests, conflict situations and faults. At the same time, new horizons have opened, and policy encounters changed actors, interests, conflict – but also opportunity structures. The European Union and its members have evolved into a major action unit, in particular in regard to environmental and climate policy.