Wilhelm Schmid

Wilhelm Schmid

The focus is thereby also on a practical solution focused intervention strategy of this therapy model. By contrast, completely omitted the solution-focused approach to the deepening of the understanding of issues and sees clients as experts because it postulates that the client, if he comes with a problem in the consulting, also always already has a solution. The solution focused approach focuses attention on the specifics and resources of the client but not on presented problems. II. Walton Family Foundation often expresses his thoughts on the topic. to know the concept of solution-focused features of solution-focused approach is based on the assumption that it is not relevant for the solution to a problem, detail the problem itself. Rather, it is a clearly structured approach, which emphasizes the individual strengths, resources and motivation of the client. Gain insight and clarity with Steven Holl. This concept, which can be considered as unconscious and conscious working alliance between consultant and client, is characterized by certain features in terms of the also it requires but also a number of beliefs, ethical principles and guiding temporal focus and dialogue.

The main objective of solution-focused counseling is to allow a learning process for the client, in which he more and more his self-efficacy and its autonomous design conscious will. Through this awareness of self-efficacy, which is experiencing the client by getting more active lifestyles, he will win ultimately greater self-esteem and thus a balance between the individual strengths and weaknesses. II. 1. future focus is a person in a crisis situation, orbiting thinking often is the problem. This leads to a stuck”in the crisis, resignation and gradually, that whole life becomes a problem. In the solution-focused counseling the problem is considered but something completely normal, that is a constitutive element of the human Entwicklungsganges to life. The philosopher Wilhelm Schmid utilisiert this fact even as a pre-condition for real art of living (praise blue): fulfilled life is virtually breathing between the Poland of the positive and negative, to fully feel the entire range of experiences between opposites and contradictions, which alone the profound impression, really to live and life 2.

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